Rehearsal update: Welcome to 'Bobby'!
This week, the cast of We Need to Talk About Bobby began intensive rehearsals to prepare for its run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival!
It’s been a tiring but very productive and exciting few days, which started with blocking the whole play. Of course, some slacking off ensued; favourite moments being choreographing a synchronised sat-down dance routine to “Pumped Up Kids” as well as sitting down to talk about our own adolescence: from sex ed and masturbation to our relationships with our parents.
Each rehearsal was preceded by a thorough warm up in an attempt to build the cast’s stamina (a struggle for some!) which will be important during a 2-week run at the Fringe.
Following a stagger-through for the set designer and tech team, there were inspiring conversations about costumes and tech, making everything seem suddenly very real – we can’t wait for it to all come together and to be able to show you!
"We Need to Talk About Bobby (off EastEnders)" runs at ZOO Southside Studio 12.40pm daily from 14 - 28 August
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